Help Pacific Islanders graduate from college.
Pacific Islander college graduate rates in the U.S. are alarmingly low. We want to increase Pacific Islander presence in higher education, starting in the Bay Area.
Our Work
The average U.S. university has less than 1% Pacific Islander representation. We are here to change that stat.
We are increasing our visibility, strengthening our higher education community, and sharing educational resources.
We believe that by:
showcasing Pacific Islander success stories in our Spotlight Program, we will inspire the next generation of Pacific Islander college graduates and break Pacific Islander stereotypes in the media.
offering a digital community for Pacific Islander scholars through our SPIO Network, we will create stronger Pacific Islander student communities and successfully assess the number of Pacific Islander students across campuses.
providing a digital list of educational resources through our SPIO Educational Resources Directory, Pacific Islander students can more easily find resources to pursue higher education.
Our Programs
Join the SPIO Network
Connect, share resources, and build a network with Pacific scholars from around the world.
Find a Resource
Find educational resources to pursue, successfully navigate, and attain higher education.
Get inspired
Read stories about inspiring Pacific Islander scholars from around the world.