Spotlight Marushka Hirshon Spotlight Marushka Hirshon

Founding Director of Pasifika Film Fest, Kalolaine Uechtritz Fainu “We have a new generation of storytellers, and their voices need to be heard”

Kalolaine “Kalo” Uechtritz Fainu, an avid advocate for Pacific representation in film, shares her motivations for creating the Pasifika Film Fest and offers tips for aspiring Pacific filmmakers. Born and raised in Australia, Kalo has family roots in Tonga, Papua New Guinea, and Samoa. She received a BVA Photography with a Photojournalist major from Griffith University and a Masters of Media Arts & Production from the University of Technology Sydney. She recently started a Masters in Asian and Pacific Studies from The Australian National University to learn more about Pacific cultures and communities.

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Spotlight Marushka Hirshon Spotlight Marushka Hirshon

Tongan scientist, Dr. Afa K. Palu, PhD | “Modern science illuminates the intelligence of our ancestors”

Dr. Afa Palu shares some highlights of his educational and scientific work: his leading research on Pacific Islander U.S. high school dropouts, the creation of an education radio talk show and his extensive research on the health benefits of the noni (Morinda citrifolia L.), a plant native to the Pacific and elsewhere. He hopes to see more Pacific Islander students embracing the academic challenge of pursuing college and recognizing the multitude of pathways to higher education.

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Spotlight Marushka Hirshon Spotlight Marushka Hirshon

Director of Mana at College of San Mateo, Finausina T. Tovo | Validating Oceania Student Voices in Higher Education

Finausina Tovo talks about her transition from student-athlete to scholar, the importance of giving Pacific Islanders a voice in higher education and the Mana program’s effect on Pacific scholars. Using her research in California Community Colleges, she hopes to empower more students to pursue all their educational options and demand community at their school.

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